Today is my last official day of being a stay-at-home mom and the end of what I have know for the past 8 years. Tomorrow I will report at 7:45am for new teacher orientation meetings. Even though I have spent many hours at my school trying to prepare for the new school year, I have yet to let the reality of what is about to hit tomorrow morning when my alarm goes off at 5:30am become a reality. I have spent the past few weeks trying to figure out how in the world I am going to balance both a career and motherhood. Will I be be able to be good at either one with so much on my plate? And those thoughts usually end in tears so I have just avoided them all together. I'm truly looking forward to teaching and coaching again but can't let go of the guilt that is surrounding me of not being at home and on call for my family 24/7. More importantly, I don't want to see my kids struggle or miss out on anything simply because Wes and I are too busy with our own doings to notice. I feel truly blessed to have been able to make the last 8 years at home work. Financially, at times it has been tough (really tough), but I wouldn't change anything about my time at home with my kids. I know in time, the new schedule will begin to feel "normal" and we will all adjust appropriately... On a more positive note,the kids have enjoyed the last remaining weeks of summer and are looking forward to the start of school and meeting their teachers tomorrow night at orientation. The kids all received little "Back to School" cards from Aunt Charlene in the cute! Levi thinks going to Kindergarten is big time!
SonWest Round-Up VBS Week A fun filled week of Bible stories, crafts, snacks, singing and dancing! We were the first group to utilize our brand new building at church, so that was very exciting for all those involved. The kids put on a great performance complete in their cowboy/cowgirl get-up to close out the week!
Addy had her very first dance performance at Starlite Theater in Branson this past weekend as an ending to her summer dance classes. Her ballet group was the pre-show for the Branson show, Cirque Montage. She used her birthday money and paid for her dance class summer session. The classes consisted of ballet, tap and lyrical jazz. She loved every minute! For the performance she had to wear her hair in a bun and full make-up. The stage ready make-up was really out of my element, but I think I followed the print-off instructions I received well and she was just BEAUTIFUL! Beautiful, yes, but she sure didn't look seven!
Addy had the opportunity to leave the audience seats and be on stage during the Cirque show for an act and because of her stage presence and outgoing "Gangnam Style" reinactment we were approached by a director of a Christmas play in Branson wanting her to come audition for a part in the production. I have since been emailed the script to look over and the part she was interested in Addy playing is a main character, if not the main character! Did she somehow not hear me when I mentioned that Addy doesn't really have any acting or stage experience?? :) Regardless of the outcome, we think we will let her audition as it will be a good experience for her. On Monday, we were out running some errands with my never ending list of things-to-do in tote, but decided to completely ignore that list and instead spent an entire afternoon at Incredible Pizza. Yes, we are living on the edge! Ha! Levi and Reid have never been and the girls only a time or two so it was a treat for them all. Levi is already planning that his 6th birthday party will be celebrated there!
Addy had a big night at gymnastics! She climbed the rope all the way to the top! It took some coaxing from several watching as she wanted to quite about 3 feet away from the top, but she made it!