Friday, January 15, 2010

~ Life's A Dance ~

It's a new year and just saying the year 2010 is kind of fun. I think I like saying "twenty-ten" over "two thousand and ten". In the spirit of the new year, I decided to jazz up my blog a little bit and support a good cause at the same time. So I had Nikki from Blogs for a Cause design my blog header. She gives a portion of the proceeds to a charity of the month and the other portion goes towards her mission trips.

A friend of mine had a couple of great title suggestions for my blog using song titles. So I kind of started thinking about song titles and I instantly came up with Life's A Dance. I have always loved this song by John Michael Montgomery and I think the chorus sums up our crazy busy, carefree lifestyle. So join me as I blog about our family dancing (it could get crazy as we sometimes aren't very coordinated) through the next couple of years. We have so much in store for us this next year...a move, Jaidyn starting kindergarten, Addy & Levi in preschool, and Levi's adoption finalization (May) and that is just a start. Again, thank you to all who comment on our blog. We love to keep in touch!

Expressing their creativity! Hmmm, I hope they don't take after me in creativity and art skills.
Every time I get the camera out, Levi gives me this cheesy ornery smile.

Buddies! Racing Hotwheels across the dining room floor.


  1. I love the new blog layout and the new blog name :). Levi is lucky to have not just one pretty Hotwheel racing buddy, but two of them! hehe. Oh and I think Levi's cheesy smile is the cutest!

  2. The new blog looks great! I can't wait to read about your new adventures.

  3. Your new blog is looks great and I love the name. I'm glad that you're still posting because I just love looking at the pictures and hearing all about the kids. Good luck in 2010!

  4. Love the new look and the new name! Looking forward to hearing about your new adventures...happy blogging!
