Friday, February 24, 2012

~ Clogged Toilets ~

We had a nice, friendly visit with the plumber bright and early at 7:30 this morning as we had not only one, but two of the toilets in our house became clogged this week. Thankfully, we still had one working so we didn't have to make constant runs up to Casey's to use the bathroom. Hoping to avoid a service call fee and after several attempts to fix the problem including several bouts of Drano and plunging along with Wes using a snake specific for toilets and then getting it stuck we decided a professional needed to be called in. I was gone to a meeting last night and had several texts from Wes telling me I was going to kill him and to bring beer home. Getting the snake stuck really worked him over. And after about 20 minutes of work from the plumber this morning, we found out who the culprit of the problem was(this picture shows how guilty he was as he kept hiding his face)...
and apparently he enjoys watching his afternoon snack carton take a swirl around the toilet as each stool had one clogging the pipe.

The girls had their cheer and dance performance during the halftime of an elementary basketball game. And the two of them were quite entertaining as neither are very shy or afraid to shake what their Mama gave them.

Addy showing off the hat she made in celebration of George Washington's birthday this week.

Reid knows that the remote is off limits but it still doesn't stop him from getting it in his hands. I did catch him this week grabbing it off the side table and attempt to change the channel. Ha!

Spaghetti for dinner!

I can remember when the other three enjoyed dressing up in hats. Reid has started taking a liking to them and thought it was pretty darn cool to wear his Dad's hat backwards and cocked sideways during dinner.

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